Thursday, January 19, 2012

Osage Hills State Park

This was our first "hanging out on Saturday morning and decided to go camping" trip.  We were watching the weather and saw it was going to be a beautiful warm May weekend.  It was also M's 12th birthday.  The nice thing about owning the trailer and having it at home all stocked up with linens, dishes etc.  is that you can decide at the last minute and just go.  In 1 hour the kids packed their bags, I ran to the grocery store to get necessary food and drinks and we were off to Osage Hills State Park. 

Osage Hills is a short hour drive from our house so it is a perfect last minute location for us.  Another bonus is that Grammy and BD live just about 20  minutes away and can easily join us. 

We called and let Grammy and BD know we were on our way.  Grammy brought the cake and we had birthday dinner on Saturday night at our campsite.  Long before dinner, though, we did some fun exploring. 

I love Osage Hills.  It brings back memories from high school for me.  I would go in the summer with friends and swim in the creek and hike around the lake.  The water was a little cool in early May for any swimming, but we did wade and throw lots of rocks.  G loved the little waterfall that he could walk across.

Another bonus for this time of year, there were only two other campers there that weekend so it was like having the whole park to ourselves.  Nobody parked close to us and we had lots of room to run and play.
Here are Grammy and BD enjoying our campfire after a yummy dinner.  I made Dutch oven Jambalaya and toasted french bread over the fire.  Nothing is quite as good as food cooked over an open fire.
Here is G, proudly watching over the bacon and biscuits (in the dutch oven).  G is the keeper of the fire at all of our camp outs.  Unfortunately, Oklahoma weather is very unpredictable.  The forecast for the weekend was sunny and warm.  Shortly after this picture was taken, it started POURING rain.  We have never packed up and pulled out so fast!

1 comment:

  1. I cry wolf on the fact that you swam in the creek in high school! There is NO WAY you got in that water...
